Love Song (skill)

From Miitopia Central

Love Song (Japanese: ラブコール Love Call) is a Pop Star skill in Miitopia. This skill is learned when the Pop Star reaches level 8.


"Sing a touching ballad to temporarily deepen the party's bond with you."


Love Song temporarily alters non-guest ally Mii characters' relationship levels towards the user into the highest one among the battle party for 3 turns. This skill also results in temporarily removing quarrels towards the user if any. This will not affect a party member in the Safe Spot and party members with certain statuses such as Stone or Ice. A Tank during his/her first turn of Repair will not be affected by Love Song despite also looking at the user. If the entire battle party has relationship level 99 between each other, Love Song can not be used.

Though a guest party member also gains heart eyes during the skill's execution, nothing actually affects said guest as he/she does not have any relationship mechanics with the party.


  • It is possible for Love Song's effect to wear off while the user is afflicted with the Eat status. As a result, the animation showing this will temporarily place the user back in the battle formation with the user in a "knocked out" state due to the Eat status effect using the same animation as being knocked out albeit covered up by whatever enemy that ate him/her.

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ラブコール
Love Call
Korean 러브콜
Love Call
Chinese 爱情呼唤 (CN) / 愛情呼喚 (TW)
Àiqíng Hūhuàn
Love Call
French Chanson d'amour Love Song
Spanish Oda a la amistad Ode to Friendship
German Liebeslied Love Song
Italian Inno all'amicizia Ode to Friendship
Dutch Liefdesliedje Love Song