Lightning (skill)

From Miitopia Central

Lightning (Japanese: ライトニング Lightning) is a Mage skill in Miitopia. This skill is learned when the Mage reaches level 4.


"Zap an enemy with lightning. Also hits enemies on either side (magic)."


Lightning inflicts magic damage on one enemy and other enemies directly adjacent to it if there is any and they are not spaced apart in formation. Damage received by the adjacent enemies is a fraction[how much?] of the damage received by the targeted enemy.

As NPC skill[edit]

Lightning is usable by the Great Sage when he/she travels alongside the party as a guest party member. Compared to the skill usable by the player, the Great Sage's Lightning has a higher base power at 30 instead of 10. It also lacks a multiplier modifier for its damage calculation. In addition, the Great Sage's Lightning is single-target instead of wide-target.

In Miitopia: Casting Call[edit]

In "Camaraderie," when the Mage performs Avenge against a Kind Golem, he/she ends up casting what seems to be Lightning.


Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ライトニング
Korean 라이트닝
Chinese 雷电 (CN) / 雷電 (TW)
French Foudre Lightning
Spanish Rayo Thunderbolt
German Blitz Lightning
Italian Fulmine Lightning
Dutch Bliksem Lightning