Wild Shot (skill)

From Miitopia Central

Wild Shot (Japanese: らんしゃ Ransha; Wild Shot) is a Tank skill in Miitopia. This skill is learned when the Tank reaches level 5.


"Fire scattershot, hitting enemies—and sometimes friends—at random."


Wild Shot inflicts damage on up to 4 random targets (some shots may miss), which can be extended up to 7 via Lend a Hand. The target affected can be either friend (not counting guest party member) or foe. If a friend is hit, hate between the user and the affected friend is raised by 1 if the latter is not already in a quarrel against the former. If a friendly fire causes an ally's hate count towards the user to hit 3 and depletes said ally's HP to 0, that ally's quarrel state will be activated first, then he/she is knocked out.

Compared to enemies, allies take less damage from Wild Shot, as the damage multiplier against allies is 0.25 while the damage multiplier against enemies is 0.6.

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese らんしゃ
Wild Shot (as in firing blindly or random shooting)
Korean 난사
Wild Shot
Chinese 乱射 (CN) / 亂射 (TW)
Luàn shè
Wild Shot
French Tir au hasard Wild Shot
Spanish Lluvia de proyectiles Rain of Projectiles
German Wildes Geballer Wild Shot
Italian Fuoco a casaccio Random Firing
Dutch Kogelregen Shot Rain