
From Miitopia Central
Mii characters in their basic appearance.

A Mii (plural: Mii characters; Miis by Play Nintendo[1]) is a customizable avatar used on several Nintendo video game consoles starting from the Nintendo Wii, as well as mobile apps. In Miitopia, as its title indicates, Mii characters are the focus characters and selling point of the game. A Miitopia player can cast Mii characters as either party members or non-player characters found throughout the game. The player can also share the Mii characters with other players for use in their own copies.


A Mii can be created using various methods and be cast as any role provided by the game. In general, the steps for a basic party member Mii creation are similar between the Nintendo 3DS and the Nintendo Switch versions, but the methods for importing and casting Mii characters differ.

Nintendo 3DS[edit]

Step 1: Decide the appearance[edit]

A male Mii in Miitopia.

The player starts by designing or importing a Mii to be used in Miitopia. Designing from scratch involves using the game's built-in Mii Maker so the player is not required to switch between applications. Said built-in Mii Maker also has the advantage of supporting more available colors for the Mii's hairstyle, eyebrows, eyes, mouth, glasses, and facial hair.

For importing, there are several methods that can be used in the Nintendo 3DS version of Miitopia:

  • From the player's Tomodachi Life file. Extra data for Tomodachi Life is required for import. This option is not available during the initial start-up sequence where the player casts a Mii as the Hero.
  • Scanning a Mii QR code. This refers to any Mii QR code generated from either Mii Maker or certain Mii-compatible games like Miitomo or the aforementioned Tomodachi Life, including Miitopia itself.
  • A Mii from another player registered in the Friend list. This option is not available during the initial start-up sequence where the player casts a Mii as the Hero.
  • A Mii saved in the player's Nintendo 3DS system. This also includes any Mii the player created from that system's Mii Maker.
  • Mii Central. However, this option is not available during the initial start-up sequence where the player casts a Mii as the Hero.

Step 2: Pick a personality[edit]

Main article: Personality
Choosing a personality.

After deciding on a Mii to be put into Miitopia, the player assigns one of the seven personalities to that Mii. Each personality will be reflected on the Mii's behavior, speech, event interactions, and battles. A personality comes with a set of quirks that automatically activate by chance or under certain conditions. This step does not apply for Mii Cast characters.

Step 3: Pick a job[edit]

Main article: Job
The Warrior job being selected.

The last step for party member creation is choosing a battle job for the Mii. The game has a total of 14 jobs, but 6 are initially available and more are unlocked as the player makes progress or fulfils certain conditions. A job has its own combat role and comes with its own level progression, stats, skills, and equipment sets. Until the player reaches one early point in Karkaton where the feature to change jobs is unlocked, the player would not be able to change a Mii's chosen job once created, though he/she can be given weapons/clothes of a different job via Roulette.

Nintendo Switch[edit]

Deciding a Mii using the Nintendo Switch's "Look-Alike" option.

Mii creation in the Nintendo Switch version of Miitopia has different methods compared to the Nintendo 3DS version. The Nintendo Switch version does not have its own version of Mii Maker built in and instead calls the system's Mii application when needed.

Mii creation on the Nintendo Switch.

From the Nintendo Switch system's Mii application, the player can proceed to create a Mii either from scratch or by using one of the 18 randomly-generated Mii characters via the "Look-Alike" option and then working on the design from there if the player wanted to.

As for importing, Miitopia for the Nintendo Switch can receive Mii characters from the following sources:

  • Friends, which allows the player to pick a Mii from the Mii bank of another player registered in the system's Friends list. This method requires Nintendo Switch Online subscription.
  • Popular, which allows the player to browse the Nintendo 3DS version's Mii Central server. The Mii characters listed are based on all players' votes done via questionnaire in the Nintendo 3DS version of Miitopia[2]. This method requires Nintendo Switch Online subscription.
  • Scanning an amiibo figure with a Mii saved into it on the Nintendo Switch's NFC reader, done via System Settings > Mii > Create New Mii > Copy Mii from amiibo.
  • Access key, which allows the player to browse another player's Mii bank using code unique to that player's save file. This also goes with the History option which allows the player to pick from the most recent access keys used in case the player had visited many different access keys prior. This method requires Nintendo Switch Online subscription.

Once a Mii is created on or imported to the Nintendo Switch version of Miitopia, the player will be able to either assign the Mii's personality and job for a party member role or add the Mii to a Mii Cast role. Similar to the Nintendo 3DS version, all online methods are not available when casting a Mii as the Hero during the game's initial start-up.

Makeup & Wigs[edit]

Main article: Makeup & Wigs

Makeup & Wigs are additional customization options exclusive to the Nintendo Switch version of Miitopia. This feature is not available when casting a Hero Mii, but is accessible before the player can even begin the story proper by going to the "Mii characters" ("Mii" in EU English) menu on the title screen to access the Mii bank and then picking a Mii to be modified. Makeup & Wigs allow customizations not possible on the Mii Maker like giving a more advanced facial detail, individual eye modification, more colorful options for head (via Foundation) or nose color, and animated hair.

Makeup & Wigs are also available as their own separate menu option when the player pulls up the menu in the overworld, at the inn, or during stage exploration via the X button. Accessing this option this way only allows the player to modify the makeup and/or wigs of the current party, however.

Mii Cast[edit]

Main article: Mii Cast
Non-player characters such as the Dubious Mayor and the Lovey-Dovey Couple are also played by Mii characters.

Mii characters can also be cast in Miitopia as non-player characters that can be found throughout the game. These range from mere townspeople to major roles such as the Great Sage. After a Mii creation, whether from scratch or import, whatever role the player wanted to modify will then use that Mii once confirmed. This can be changed at any time the player has access to the Journal, but the Dark Curse is the only exception as recasting him requires defeating the Darker Lord and then picking the "Save him" ending.

In the Nintendo 3DS version, Mii Central is highly involved in Mii Cast. Most roles like the townspeople will be automatically populated with Mii characters downloaded from Mii Central if the player's Nintendo 3DS system has SpotPass on and is connected to the internet. The automatic casting depends on other players' casting data and questionnaire votes that determine Mii popularity, meaning a higher popularity Mii for a certain role will be more likely to be picked for that role[2]. While the player is prompted to manually pick a Mii for some of the major roles, the player can also make use of Mii Central to browse for Mii characters uploaded on the internet or let the game pick via Autoassign.

The player has to manually cast Mii characters for every new role introduced in the Nintendo Switch version.

Casting roles in the Nintendo Switch version involves the player's Mii bank used to store Mii characters (up to 500). The player can fill it with own creations or imported ones from other players or "Popular", but importing Mii characters from the internet requires Nintendo Switch Online subscription. In this version, all roles, not just the major ones, will prompt the player to manually cast Mii characters for them upon their introduction. The only exception is the Travelers' Hub visitors which remain randomly cast either using the game's predefined "world Mii" characters or the player's Mii bank, as in using stored Mii characters that are not cast in any role whether as party members or non-player characters. Mii Central characters, referred to in-game as "Popular", are also a choice, but enabling this setting also requires Nintendo Switch Online subscription.

Because there is an in-game Mii storage in the Nintendo Switch version, it is possible to delete Mii characters that already have roles. Doing this will result in either a male Mii named "NoName" as placeholder for party members that are present in Highlights or the role's default Mii for Mii Cast characters.


A Miitopia QR code.

The Nintendo 3DS version has three Mii sharing methods accessible from the "Party" menu and then selecting a party member.

  • QR Code: Allows the player to generate a Miitopia Mii QR code from that party member's Mii data to be scanned by other players. This QR code is distinguished by the green Mage icon in the middle. The player is also given the choice to save the QR code into the SD card for later reference.
  • Mii Maker: Allows the player to copy the selected party member Mii into the system's Mii Maker to be shared via Send/Receive. However, the Mii will have to lose out the colors exclusive to Miitopia's Mii Maker.
  • Post: Allows the player to upload the party member Mii design to the Mii Central server. This will make the Mii publicly available to all players with an internet connection and subjected to questionnaire voting. Before proceeding with the upload, the player is prompted to pick one of the 18 skills, though the player is also allowed to pick "Not telling". The chosen skill will reflect on the Mii's Travelers' Hub visitor title. For example, a Mii with a "Sports" skill will be given the role title of "Sporty (job name)". If "Not telling" is picked, the Mii will be assigned a random skill upon appearing as a Travelers' Hub visitor. However, Post is disabled on Mii characters that are either downloaded from the Mii Central to begin with, categorized as Special Mii, or received from another player even if edited[3].
Nintendo's example graphic of how to share an access key on social media.

The Nintendo Switch version requires Nintendo Switch Online subscription to share Miitopia Mii characters. As a result, the player's characters, stored in the in-game Mii bank, are set to "Don't share" by default. To enable sharing, the player has to access the Mii bank via the "Mii characters" menu on the title screen, then press the X button and click Sharing settings. From there, the player may set the Mii bank with either "Share with all" or "Share with friends". "Share with all" will make the player's access key visible and open for visits, with said access key being unique to the player's save file, as well as access from other players registered in the system's Friends list. "Share with friends" will only allow the latter point. Sharing Mii characters this way will expose the player's entire Mii bank, so if the player does not want certain Mii characters to be shared while sharing is active, the player can click on that Mii and then enable "Make secret". The player is encouraged to share access keys on social media[4].

World Mii[edit]

The world Mii is an internal term for Mii characters predefined by the game. In the Nintendo 3DS version, these Mii characters are used in Mii Cast to fill in certain roles in case the player does not have SpotPass enabled. They share the same unique ID unlike the player-defined Mii characters, so they share the same grub preferences. This is because of the former having dummy console and Mii IDs.

There are also further restrictions put on the world Mii characters' designs, meaning the player:

  • Can not change a world Mii's name.
  • Can not edit a world Mii's appearance.
  • Can not generate a QR code from a world Mii.
  • Can not copy a world Mii to the player's system's Mii Maker.

While the Nintendo Switch version introduces default Mii characters for Mii Cast roles, background Mii characters during outings and Travelers' Hub visitors will still reference "world Mii" if the player has insufficient characters in the Mii bank or if downloading from "Popular" is disabled for the latter.

There are a total of 111 world Mii characters, listed below:

  • Hiromi
  • Ilka
  • Pavel
  • Mizuho
  • Sophia
  • Olga
  • Rie
  • Maximilian
  • Daisuke
  • Adrien
  • Haruka
  • Juliette
  • Yuriko
  • Marius
  • Kaori
  • Léonie
  • David
  • Barbara
  • Yuehua
  • Ivo
  • Yunyun
  • Mark
  • Xiuping
  • Anne
  • Faustine
  • Haixiang
  • Marit
  • Bernardo
  • Jianjun
  • Joost
  • Maria
  • Kentaro
  • Enrique
  • João
  • Sho
  • Pedro
  • André
  • Masako
  • Cristina
  • Joana
  • Akira
  • Jesús
  • Rui
  • Yuya
  • Sara
  • Elena
  • Cheng-Han
  • Chris
  • Victor
  • Zi-Kai
  • Dylan
  • Irina
  • Bo-Jia
  • Frank
  • Xue-Ren
  • Claudia
  • Shu-Hui
  • Polly
  • Xiao-Tong
  • Anna
  • Xiaojian
  • Carlo
  • Bowen
  • Massimo
  • Jialan
  • Giulia
  • Xixi
  • Millie
  • Erick
  • Ji-hoon
  • Dunbar
  • Se-young
  • Susie
  • Mi-sun
  • Mónica
  • Hyun-woo
  • Skip
  • Na-rae
  • Eduardo
  • Hee-joon
  • Laura
  • Jin-ah
  • Paula
  • Pian-Pian
  • Jeff
  • Rui-Lin
  • Alphonse
  • Delilah
  • Merrick
  • Matt
  • Clara
  • William
  • Gerald
  • José
  • Patricia
  • Donna
  • Joseph
  • Alice
  • Leonel
  • Barry
  • Bruce
  • Guillermo
  • Ricardo
  • Steven
  • John
  • Marie
  • Araceli
  • Mitsu
  • Pit
  • Kazuhiko
  • Bernd

Regional differences[edit]

Exclusive to the Japanese version, the player can customize a party member Mii's way to refer himself/herself after deciding his/her name. By default, male party members use ぼく (boku) while female party members use わたし (watashi). This can be filled in with any word typed in through the system's on-screen keyboard, up to 6 characters. This is displayed on the Mii's Party profile in a field called "自分の呼び方" (Jibun no yobikata; How you refer to yourself). This can also be changed later using the Change option on the Mii the player would like to modify.


  • In the Nintendo 3DS version, if the system's Mii library data is missing, all Mii characters' heads will be rendered as squares with a red "no entry" sign. This also applies to all other Nintendo 3DS games that use Mii characters.
  • In the Japanese version, two world Mii characters Maximilian and Cristina are named マックス (Max) and クリスティ (Christie) respectively due to the Nintendo 3DS' character limits, which can only fit up to 6 characters. These names are retained even in the Nintendo Switch version, which allows up to 10 characters like the Western versions.
