Snap Out of It (skill)

From Miitopia Central

Snap Out of It (Japanese: ビンタ Binta; Slap) is a Warrior skill in Miitopia. In EU English, this skill is known as its Japanese name, Slap. This skill is learned when the Warrior reaches level 7.


"Snap a friend out of it when they're not themselves. (auto)"


Snap Out of It is an auto skill, meaning it can not be manually picked from the battle menu. As long as the user has sufficient MP to perform this skill, Snap Out of It has 50% chance of activating upon an ally Mii's turn while said ally is afflicted by an emotion-based debilitating status effect like Laugh or other statuses such as Spite or Nightmare. When this happens, the Snap Out of It user will interrupt the afflicted ally before said ally could take an action or the status' side effect could occur, then the user will slap him/her to remove the status. This also gives 1 relationship EXP between the user and the healed ally.


  • If Snap Out of It activates on an ally that the user is in quarrel against, the affected ally will be knocked backwards instead of flinching in place.
  • In the English version, while performing Snap Out of It, a male Warrior will say, "Snap out of it!" while a female Warrior will say, "Keep it together!"

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ビンタ
Korean 뺨 때리기
Ppyam Ttaeligi
Slap Cheek
Chinese 拍打 (CN) / 拍打 (TW)
French Gifle Slap
Spanish Cachetada (US)
Bofetón (EU)
German Ohrfeige Slap
Italian Ceffone Slap
Dutch Mep Slap