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Relationships (Japanese: 関係 Kankei; Relationship) are a game mechanic in Miitopia.


Relationships are the basis of the chance-based and situational Assist skills the party members can perform, most of them allowing further advantage in battle. Relationships are formed between two Mii characters, though the Nintendo Switch version also allows them to bond with the horse. There are two types of relationships, which are friendship and quarrel. A friendship will provide a variety of advantageous Assists, while a quarrel will disable those Assists and limit the relationship skills to the quarrel types, which tend to be disadvantageous.

Guest party members can not form relationships with the playable party, so certain support skills performed will not affect friendship and skills that increase hate will not edge a Mii closer to quarrels.


Friendship between a Mage and a Warrior going up.

A friendship type of relationship uses a level system to determine how close a Mii is to another (or with the horse). Leveling up friendship depends on filling up a heart meter with relationship EXP from certain actions. If the meter is full, the relationship will level up. Friendship requires a fixed amount of 5 relationship EXP per level up, though this value is never shown in a numeric form to the player. The following table lists the sources of relationship EXP.

Source Relationship EXP Note(s)
Inn night stay 1 (Mii)
2 (horse)
The horse is only available in the Nintendo Switch version
Inn event 3 or 5 5 relationship EXP is given if an inn event has an excellent outcome, like the "Training" event going intense
Present 3-5 3 relationship EXP is gained from a "normal" response, 4 from a "good" response, or 5 from a "very good" response
Map event 1 If applicable
Battle 1 Applicable only if caused by certain skills/assists
Jolly Jaunt Tickets 2, 4, or 6 2 relationship EXP is given from a Budget ticket, 4 from a Fancy ticket, or 6 from a Luxury ticket
Outings Varies Depend on the outing scenario, Nintendo Switch version only

Friendship is first represented with a thin yellow arrow, but as the relationship level grows, the arrow becomes larger and gradually changes color to orange, then to red, then pink.


A Warrior and a Mage reach relationship level 9, making them "probably like" each other.

Every relationship level up is accompanied by a title depending on the friendship level. These titles are only flavor text to note how close a pair of Mii characters are. The titles and their respective relationship level range (in brackets) are:

  • Acquainted (2-3)
  • Maybe sort of likes (4-5)
  • Sort of likes (6-7)
  • Probably likes (8-9)
  • Likes (10-11)
  • Likes a bit (12-13)
  • Likes a lot (14-15)
  • Really likes (16-17)
  • Cares about (18-19)
  • Close (20-21)
  • Cozy (22-23)
  • Affectionate (24-25)
  • Attached (26-27)
  • Harmonious (28-29)
  • BFFs (30-31)
  • Loyal (32-33)
  • Devoted (34-35)
  • Confidants (36-37)
  • Like peas in a pod (38-39)
  • Thick as thieves (40-41)
  • Joined at the hip (42-43)
  • Kindred spirits (44-45)
  • Friendsplosion (46-47)
  • Together forever (48-49)
  • Soul mates (50-99)


For the list of Horse Assists, see Horse#Assists.

Upon reaching a certain relationship level, a new Assist is unlocked. Assists are shared between the bonded Mii characters of sufficient relationship level and will not activate if the party member involved is not in the battle party. Assists are disabled if the involved Mii characters get into quarrels, requiring relationship repair to restore the ability to use those skills once more. The following table lists all the relationship skills.

Relationship level Name Description
2 Show Off "Impress your friend by doing extra damage to enemies."
3 Warning "Call out to a friend to give them a chance to dodge an attack."
4 Concern "Console a friend after they've taken a hit. "Where does it hurt?""
5 Praise "Shower a friend with compliments. "See! I knew you could do it!""
6 Lend a Hand "Help a friend out with their next action and boost its effects."
7 Get Well Soon "Visit a friend in the Safe Spot to speed up their recovery."
8 Charity "Give a snack to a friend when they don't have one on them."
9 Avenge "When a friend falls, flare up in anger with a vengeful strike."
10 Sacrifice "Take damage in place of a friend. "They won't lay a finger on you!""
12 Pincer "Attack in sync with a friend and hit from behind for great damage."
14 Lend a Hand II "Increase the chance and effect of boosting a friend's action."
16 Share "Go halfsies on a snack with a friend when they don't have one on them."
18 Last Wish "Heal a friend when you've fallen and they take a critical hit."
19 Avenge II "When a friend falls, land a heavy attack in the name of vengeance."
20 Resurgence "Gain the strength to get up again if a friend falls in battle."
22 Pincer II "Increase the chance and effect of a pincer attack. "On three!""
27 Warning II "Increase the chance of a friend dodging an attack after a warning."
32 Get Well Soon II "Increase the chance and effect of speeding up recovery in the Safe Spot."
38 Show Off II "Really impress your friend by doing loads of damage to enemies."
44 Avenge III "When a friend falls, swear in the name of justice to fell the enemy."
52 Sacrifice II "Increase the chance and effect of taking a hit for a friend."
60 Show Off III "Seriously impress your friend by doing a ton of a damage to enemies."
68 Pincer III "Greatly increase the chance and effect of a pincer attack. "NOW!""
77 Sacrifice III "Greatly increase the chance and effect of taking a hit for a friend."
87 Get Well Soon III "Greatly increase the chance and effect of speeding up Safe Spot recovery."
99 Lend a Hand III "Greatly increase the chance and effect of boosting a friend's action."


A quarrel type of relationship is when a Mii hates his/her teammate. This is caused by an also unseen value internally referred to as "hate EXP." Similar to the relationship EXP, hate is increased from certain actions, but unlike friendship, a Mii's hate counter is separate from the teammate(s) said Mii has problems with and there is no visual indicator of the quarrel progress. Typically, actions that cause hate will give out 1 hate EXP, except for most of the "Quarrel" map event scenarios where 5 hate EXP is given instead. If 3 hate EXP is reached, the relationship turns into quarrel.

During a quarrel, any relationship skill already learned by the quarreling Mii towards his/her hated teammate will be disabled. In exchange, the quarreling Mii has a chance of activating one of the five (six if two-sided) quarrel skills depending on the situation. This relationship also affects certain job skills' performance as well, like a Warrior using Proud Protector refusing to defend any teammate he/she is quarreling against. In addition, any support skills that would give relationship EXP will not do so if used by a quarreling Mii against the hated teammate.

A quarreling Mii is also distinguished by having a blue relationship arrow towards the hated teammate, and even the relationship meter takes this theme instead of the pink heart.

Reducing the quarrel meter can be done in many ways:

  • Rooming quarreling Mii characters together at the inn (provided both of them do not catch a cold).
  • Performing support skills/assists that are normally used to increase friendship on the quarreling Mii.
  • Playing out the "Repair" inn event.
  • In the Nintendo Switch version only, using Outing Tickets will reduce the meter.

The meter's full amount starts at 3 and most actions that can repair it will reduce it by 1. If it is reduced to nothing, the relationship is repaired and the hate EXP counter is reset to 0. A "Repair" inn event will always empty the quarrel meter(s). In battle, the Pop Star's Love & Peace can also repair quarrels altogether, but only if the user is not the one quarreling, as it can not target the user.

Quarrels can be one-sided or two-sided, due to the hate counter not being shared between Mii characters. In a one-sided quarrel, the hated teammate can still perform support skills normally and certain assists on the quarreling Mii, thus can potentially help reduce the quarrel meter. A two-sided quarrel is when a pair of party members hate each other, which limits further options to reduce the quarrel meter because both end up barred from using any assist towards each other in addition to sharing the same consequences of quarrels on certain job skills. This kind of quarrel also has a chance of activating the Trouble fight skill. However, a "Repair" inn event involving two-sided quarrels will always empty both Mii characters' quarrel meters regardless of the amount each Mii has.

Quarrel skills[edit]

Name Activation chance Effect
Angry 30% Has a chance of activating if a quarreling Mii is subjected to his/her hated teammate's actions that would increase hate in battle. If this happens, the quarreling Mii is afflicted with the Angry status effect, which disables manual actions (if happened to the Hero) and restricts the Mii into using only offense-oriented actions, but the Mii can perform two actions in one turn.
Distracted 30% Has a chance of activating if an enemy performs a basic attack on a quarreling Mii. If this happens, the Mii will take 1.5x more damage.
Interrupt 15% Has a chance of activating if a quarreling Mii's hated teammate performs a basic attack. If this happens, the quarreling Mii will interrupt the latter by inflicting damage on a single enemy with a basic attack, even if the former's job's basic attack is an all-target, before the latter may resume his/her attack.
Moody 50% Has a chance of activating if a teammate hated by a quarreling Mii defeats an enemy. If this happens, the quarreling Mii is afflicted with the Cranky status effect, which causes his/her attacks to inflict either double or half the damage he/she would normally inflict.
Sulk 30% Has a chance of activating if the quarreling Mii is about to perform certain battle actions. If this happens, damage dealt/healed will be 30% less effective.
Trouble 10% Has a chance of activating if a quarreling Mii's hated teammate performs a basic attack and both Mii characters are in a two-sided quarrel with each other. If this happens, any intended battle action that turn will be cancelled out and both will end up brawling with each other, inflicting minor damage on both while also hitting a random enemy four times.

In Miitopia: Casting Call[edit]

Relationships of both types, as well as the assists, are depicted in Miitopia: Casting Call.

In "Chosen Ones", the Cat assists the Warrior with Lend a Hand to attack the Dark Lord together. Afterwards, the Cat praises the Warrior, making the latter gleeful.

"Camaraderie" is where relationships are the main highlight. The movie centers around the relationship between the Mage and the Cleric. Through a few map and inn events, their relationship level grows, first to level 2, then to 10, then eventually 15. In a battle against a Rock Moth, this closeness is represented by the Cleric assisting the Mage with Lend a Hand to attack and defeat it together. Quarrels are also depicted in this movie as a result of the Mage's jealousy over the Present event involving the Warrior and the Cleric. It then turns two-sided when an "Irritation" event, depicted with the Mage knocking the Cleric over to a puddle, takes place. Though it does not take place in a battle, they manage to activate Trouble and brawl on the spot. Later, when the Mage gets ambushed by a Kind Golem, the Cleric steps in and performs Sacrifice to take the hit. After the Cleric is knocked out, the Mage performs Avenge and casts lightning on the Kind Golem.

In "Venture Forth", the only relationship mechanic depicted is when the Mage's hate towards the Cat is increased from the side effect of the latter's Spite status.


  • The Western versions of the Nintendo 3DS version depict hate increase with a dust cloud symbol, while Japan uses the cross-popping veins. This is reverted in the Nintendo Switch version to follow the Japanese version.





Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese 関係
Korean 관계
Chinese 关系 (CN) / 關係 (TW)
French Relation Relationship
Spanish Relacion Relationship
German Beziehung Relationship
Italian Relazione Relationship
Dutch Relatie Relationship