Enthrall (skill)

From Miitopia Central
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Enthrall (Japanese: かんせん Kansen; Infect) is a Vampire skill in Miitopia. This skill is learned when the Vampire reaches level 25.


"Bestow vampiric powers on a friend so they can revive at random."


Enthrall allows the user to give a chosen non-guest teammate the "Zombify" status, which functions the same as the Vampire's Revive skill, for the current battle only. The party member affected by this skill is distinguished by his/her irises turning red, though this is not seen if the eyes are covered up by Makeup. The effect wears off once the party member's self-resurrection activates.

A visual glitch involving Enthrall and the Makeup feature results in any Mii with the "Zombify" status losing the color modification on the nose and part of his/her head even when the rest of the foundation makeup remains untouched.

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese かんせん
Korean 감염
Chinese 感染 (CN) / 感染 (TW)
French Vampirisation Vampirization
Spanish Contagio Contagion
German Vampirbiss Vampire Bite
Italian Vampirismo Vampirism
Dutch Hypnotiseren Hypnotize