
From Miitopia Central
(Redirected from プレゼント)
A Mage giving a present to a Warrior.

The Present (Japanese: プレゼント Present) event is a type of event in Miitopia. It involves items exclusive to Inn events and Errand quests from the Travelers' Hub. These items are not kept in the player's inventory, instead they are only shown off in the event's scene to be given away to another Mii, who will react accordingly. Presents are randomly-generated, so there is no telling if a given item will be good or bad, though the items can be categorized further by box size.

At Inns, this scene is played out like a normal Inn event as it also shares the same speech bubble icon to initiate it. This event has 20% chance of being played. The Mii with the present box will give it to his/her roommate. There are five possible reactions to the present, though the two "bad" responses are grouped under one category:

  • A "Bad" response will either not result in any effect or, if the reaction shows outright rejection, increase hate towards the present giver.
  • A "Normal" response will reward 3 relationship EXP between the present giver and the receiver.
  • A "Good" response will reward 4 relationship EXP between the present giver and the receiver.
  • A "Very Good" (or "Best") response will reward 5 relationship EXP between the present giver and the receiver.

A "Different" reaction means that one present may elicit different responses from multiple Mii characters. If the present elicits at least a "Normal" response, the relationship meter will increase, though this may have 40% chance of another Mii peeking in and getting jealous, raising hate of said Mii against the Mii he/she is jealous of by one.

In Errand quests, the player's leading Mii will be the one giving the present box to one random NPC Mii as specified by the quest giver. The same reaction mechanic also applies like in the Inn event, but regardless of the response, the quest is considered complete.

List of presents[edit]

The following table lists all possible present items that can be shown off, separated by present quality. The cheapest quality presents tend to have varying reaction outcomes, while the highest quality presents are more likely to elicit the "Best" reaction.

Image Name Size Reaction
Toy Ring Mini Good
Bead Mini Different
Glass Ball Mini Different
Wooden Spoon Mini Normal
Quill Pen Mini Good
Brick Mini Bad
Magnifying Glass Mini Good
Spider Cricket Specimen Mini Different
Centipede Specimen Mini Different
Spider Specimen Mini Different
Balloon Normal Normal
Bashed-Up Bike Big Different
Bar of Soap Mini Good
Toothbrush Mini Normal
Log Huge Bad
Empty Can Mini Different
Pencil Mini Good
Acorn Mini Different
Poem by "Mii" Mini Normal
Cuddly Bunny Normal Different
Teddy Bear Normal Different
Cuddly Pony Normal Different
Cuddly Cow Normal Different
Copper Goblet Mini Good
Silver Candelabra Normal Good
Tambourine Normal Different
Castanets Mini Different
Silver Spoon Mini Normal
Silver Ring Mini Good
Mirror Mini Good
Music Box Mini Good
Handkerchief Mini Normal
Perfume Mini Different
Candle Mini Different
Butterfly Specimen Mini Different
Rhinoceros Beetle Specimen Mini Good
Portrait of "Mii" Normal Normal
Photo of "Mii" Normal Normal
Bouquet of Roses Normal Good
Crystal Ball Normal Different
Lyre Big Different
Guitar Big Different
Violin Big Different
Trumpet Big Different
Gold Ring Mini Good
Rainbow Shell Mini Different
Satin Cushion Normal Best
"Mii" Doll Normal Personal
Thank-You Vase Normal Different
Avant-Garde Painting Normal Different
Grand Piano Huge Best
Platinum Ring Mini Best
Chandelier Big Best
Sofa Huge Best
New Car Huge Best
Statue of "Mii" Huge Normal


Giving present[edit]

  • "Surprise! This is for you." (US) / "I saw this... and thought of you." (EU) (Kind)
  • "Totally got you a present! Take it, take it!" (Energetic)
  • "Saw this and thought of you. Have a present." (US) / "So, I bought a thing. Have a prezzie." (EU) (Laid-back)
  • "There was a sale. So I picked this up." (Cool)
  • "Went shopping. Got you something." (US) / "I went shopping. For you, that is!" (EU) (Stubborn)
  • "Look what I bought! Here!" (US) / "Look what I bought! You're gonna love it!" (EU) (Airheaded)
  • "I, er, got this for you. I hope it's OK..." (Cautious)

Thanking the giver[edit]

  • "Thanks!" (Kind)
  • "Ooh, gimme gimme!" (Energetic)
  • "Don't mind if I do." (Laid-back)
  • "Wow. Thanks." (US) / "Cheers." (EU) (Cool)
  • "Hand it over!" (US) / "Hand it over then." (EU) (Stubborn)
  • "What, for me?" (Airheaded)
  • "You're sure?" (Cautious)



  • "Oh dear..." (Kind)
  • "Eek!" (Energetic)
  • "Don't think I need this!" (Laid-back)
  • "..." (Cool)
  • "The heck is this?" (Stubborn)
  • "Gross." (Airheaded)
  • "Are you mad at me?" (US) / "What a shame..." (EU) (Cautious)


  • "Oh... It's... Right." (Kind)
  • "Ack!" (Energetic)
  • "Well, it's..." (US) / "" (EU) (Laid-back)
  • "Hrm." (Cool)
  • "Ugh." (Stubborn)
  • "But... why?" / "I don't get it..." (EU) (Airheaded)
  • "Uh..." (Cautious)


  • "This is great." (Kind)
  • "Oho!" (US) / "O-ho!" (EU) (Energetic)
  • "Thanks." (US) / "Heh, thanks." (EU) (Laid-back)
  • "Cheers." (US) / "Nice." (EU) (Cool)
  • "Not bad at all." (Stubborn)
  • "How nice." (Airheaded)
  • "Thank you." (Cautious)


  • "I feel so happy!" (US) / "I'm so happy!" (EU) (Kind)
  • "Wahoo!" (US) / "Wahey!" (EU) (Energetic)
  • "How'd you know?" (Laid-back)
  • "I'll treasure this." (US) / "Nifty!" (EU) (Cool)
  • "I like this!" (US) / "Good stuff!" (EU) (Stubborn)
  • "Ooh, shiny!" (Airheaded)
  • "W-wow..." (Cautious)


  • "How did... I'm speechless!" (US) / "I... I don't know what to say!" (EU) (Kind)
  • "Wow!" (US) / "Wowzy-yowzy!!!" (EU) (Energetic)
  • "Ooo-ooh!" (US) / "Huh. Didn't expect this." (EU) (Laid-back)
  • "...I'll keep it forever." (US) / "Not...half...bad..." (EU) (Cool)
  • "This is amazing!" (US) / "Now this is something else!" (EU) (Stubborn)
  • "Thanks!" (US) / "Aww, you shouldn't have!" (EU) (Airheaded)
  • "So happy..." (US) / "I really don't deserve this..." (EU) (Cautious)

Jealousy scene[edit]

  • "Always [Mii], it's unfair!" (US) / "Always [Mii]... It's not fair!" (EU)
  • "Sigh..."

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese プレゼント
Korean 선물
Chinese 礼物 (CN) / 禮物 (TW)
French Cadeau Present
Spanish Regalo Present
German Geschenk Present
Italian Regalo Same as the Spanish name
Dutch Cadeautje Present